Fixed + SPOT price
A solution for diversifying price risk.
What is a fixed + SPOT price?
The product consists of a continuously variable Nord Pool Spot price and a fixed price.
Why choose fixed + dynamic pricing?
- Diversifying risks in a changing electricity market;
- You will be able to choose your level of participation in the Nord Pool Spot market, e.g. pay 30% of the final electricity price according to the fixed price agreed in the contract and 70% according to the dynamic exchange price;
- You can predict this price while taking advantage of favourable market conditions.

Other electricity price solutions
Fixed price
For companies that find it is important to plan and predict the company’s long-term costs.
Market price
Uzņēmumiem, kuri vēlas elastīgus apstākļus un ietaupīt ilgtermiņā
Finland’s price
For companies that want to make us of the low prices of Scandinavia and are ready to take on a little risk.