Fixed Price
For companies that find it is important to plan and predict the company’s long-term costs.
What is Fixed Price?
A fixed electricity price per MWh set for a certain time period. The electricity price set in the contract depends on the company’s consumption structure, the chosen period and the current predicted future exchange prices at the time of concluding the contract.

Fixed Price advantages:
- Easy to plan the company’s long-term costs
- Price is not affected by seasonality and other wholesale market factors
- Possibility to fix the electricity price for a certain period

Other electricity price solutions
Market Price
For companies that have the option to plan their electricity consumption, by keeping track of fluctuations in the power exchange.
Finland’s Price
For companies that want to make us of the low prices of Scandinavia and are ready to take on a little risk.
Fixed + spot
For companies that want to manage electricity price risk and take advantage of potential price reductions.