Finland's Price

For companies that want to make us of the low prices of Scandinavia and are ready to take on a little risk.

What is Finland's Price?

It is no secret that electricity prices are considerably lower in Scandinavia. Hence, for companies in Latvia to also be able to enjoy the low electricity prices of the Scandinavian region, we have developed a special solution – electricity price fixed in the Finland's price zone.

How is Finland's Price formed?

The Finland's Price solution is formed by a fixed price in the Finland's price zone and the difference between hourly prices in the Nord Pool power exchange price zones of Latvia and Finland.

Calculation formula of the Finland Price:

Finland's Price = fixed price in the Finland price zone* + (exchange price in Latvia — exchange price in Finland)

* The price remains the same throughout the contract period.

Example: Finland's Price = 67,77 €/MWh + (117,16 €/MWh - 106,22 €/MWh)

Electricity prices change each hour at the exchange. Historical and next day's exchange prices can be followed on the Nord Pool power exchange website. Hourly rates for the next day are published at 14.00.

Finland's Price advantages:

  • Possibility of saving in the long-term, considering the low electricity price level of Scandinavia
  • Almost predictable price, which enables making use of the advantageous market situation at the same time
  • The price does not include transmission risks that provide additional savings